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  • Practice inversions safely with the FeetUp

    Yogisha - 01 / Jul / 2020

    Practice inversions safely with the FeetUp

    With the FeetUp you can practice lots of inverted positions in a safe and stable way, without experiencing any pressure on your neck. But the prop is also great for lots of other postures! Here are our favorites.

    Get into the headstand easily

    The FeetUp Trainer helps you achieve inverted postures in a safe and gentle way. The weight of your body doesn't rest on your head, but is evenly spread over your shoulders so that your head hangs without strain and your spine is gently stretched

    You can keep your balance easily by holding onto the FeetUp® Trainer's frame. Thanks to the ergonomically designed padding, holding an inverted posture for several minutes at a time is very comfortable. This way, you can experience the benefits of longer inversions.

    There are several ways to get into a headstand using the FeetUp. We'll highlight one for beginners and a more advanced methods.



    1. Place your hands on the frame of the FeetUp and straighten your spine.

    2. Downward facing dog. Drop your head into the headrest, your elbows pointing up. Push your shoulders down into the padding. 

    3. Take small steps towards the FeetUp. This will allow your centre of gravity to shift to above your shoulders. You will feel your feet getting lighter. Gently lift one leg up and tuck your knee to your chest. Do the same with the other leg.

    4. Stretch out your legs slowly and with control.


    1. Downward facing dog. Drop your head into the headrest, your elbows pointing up. Push your shoulders down into the padding. 

    2. Take small steps towards the FeetUp. Points your toes and tilt your pelvis to beyond your shoulders. Your feet should come off the floor.Loop met kleine stapjes richting de FeetUp. Strek je tenen en tilt je heupen zodat voorbij je schouders zijn.

    3. Lift your straight legs, using the muscles in your lower abs. Pause at an angle of 90 degrees.

    4. Lift your legs until your body is straight. Keep your core active. 



    More than inversions

    With the FeetUp you can practice many more postures than just the headstand, such as forward folds, backbends and arm balances. 


    Forward folds


    The FeetUp is great for practicing many forward folds. For example, by sitting behind the FeetUp, placing your feet against the frame and holding on to the frame with your hands you can stretch your lower back and work on tilting the pelvis forwards. You can also use the FeetUp for practicing a relaxing paschimottanasana by sitting on the cushion and stretching over your legs.




    The FeetUp is also a great prop for practicing backbends because you can find support on the frame at multiple heights. Advances postures such as vrschikasana (scorpion pose) become much more accessible with the FeetUp.


    Arm balances


    Arm balances train and tone your whole body. They improve your balance and are great for building upper body strength. The FeetUp offers a stable base on which to practice arm balances. Because you are slightly off the ground, you can work on your arm balances when you are not able to lift your feet up very high.


    Create your own FeetUp flow

    The many postures that you can practice on the FeetUp can be combined to create fun, creative yoga flows. For example, you can use to FeetUp for a variation of a sun salutation which includes an inversion.


    Buying a FeetUp

    At Yogisha, you can purchase the FeetUp in one of the stores or online. There is a FeetUp available to try out in both stores, so you can experience it for yourself. Do you have any questions about the FeetUp? We are happy to help! You reach us via email at [email protected] or call to 020 - 664 07 43, or visit one of our stores in The Hague and Amsterdam. 

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