A Beautiful Story A Beautiful Story Gemstone Card - Citrine Bracelet
15,00 Incl. tax
The bracelet is made of cotton thread and a Citrine gemstone. The Citrine gemstone brings clarity and happiness into your life. Wear this gemstone for that little bit extra during exciting moments such as job applications or exams.
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Product description
The bracelet is made of cotton thread and a Citrine gemstone. The Citrine gemstone brings clarity and happiness into your life. Wear this gemstone for that little bit extra during exciting moments such as job applications or exams.
15-22 cm
About 'A Beautiful Story'
Once upon a time, there was a small fair-trade silver factory in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. Let's go back to the year 2005. In that year, there were about twenty silversmiths working in the factory, each one a craftsman who made the most beautiful jewelry. Dambar, the owner of the factory, wanted more customers for his products so that he could provide his silversmiths with continuous work. That message reached Cathelijne Lania, the founder of A Beautiful Story.
In collaboration with A Beautiful Story, this small silver factory has been expanded. The jewelry is designed in the Netherlands and produced in Kathmandu, where employees receive fair wages, many career opportunities, and good working conditions.
Sustainability and Fair Trade
A Beautiful Story wants to help make the world a little more beautiful. That is why they consider the impact on the world around us in everything they do. Sometimes that is quite difficult, because the products are made in countries that are very far away. Then the jewelry comes to us by plane. Not really environmentally conscious... Yet A Beautiful Story chooses this, because their heart lies with the people in developing countries, who have a lot of talent and craftsmanship, but do not always get the chance to find their way to the market.
That is why A Beautiful Story focuses on fair trade, in short creating opportunities for producers in an economically difficult situation. They try to solve the other dilemmas that this entails, such as the impact on the environment, as best they can.
From the very beginning, A Beautiful Story has been operating according to fair trade criteria. They believe it is very important that every employee in the chain earns a fair living for their work. Fair trade promotes sustainable development in international trade, particularly in exports from poor countries to rich Western countries.
A Beautiful Story has an official certification with the World Fair Trade Organization, see www.wfto.com. This means that our customers and visitors do not have to just take our word for it, but can rely on an official body that carries out checks
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